Dear friends,

Today will be a such a busy day that I do need to buzz around here and there.

Yup, tomorrow is the Youth Day (October 28th) and of course every government institutions and all schools will hold a flag ceremony.  However, this is not the thing making me “buzzy” like the bee. My biggest concern is the “Gloria Competition” for we are celebrating Gloria 25th anniversary.

Well, as the PIC for competition, I become too busy lately (teaching, going to seminars, making proposals, asking for other teachers’ help – though everything has been done by me, etc).

Today and tomorrow will be the peak!!! Well, could only hope for the best though I realized nothing’s perfect!!!

Is it killing me softly???

Nay … I do feel extremely tired but I do love it …

Today … I’m preparing for the competitions. What are those???

1. Rally (need a lot of time in preparing … Done: just need a briefing and distributing materials to other teachers. Unfinished task: preparing the posts)

2. Smart and Fast (Done: questions but not many, teachers’ and students’ briefing)

3. Decorating Yellow Rice (Done: the scoring table)

4. Composing and Singing B’day song (Done: scoring table, Unfinished: organizing music instruments)

Well, hope that tomorrow … Everything turns out to be good …